Tuesday, March 24, 2009

new blogg;; boysz?!

okayy yeaa i started a new blogg;; i juss didnt like my other one for some reason so yeaa
dont like it?

okay... BOYS...
sometimes i juss dont get boys
i mean dont get me wrong;; like all of my friends are boys
buht some of emm... em emm emmm!

like okay like everyone that im kool wit like dat knows i hangs witt mostly boys
so when i first got wit my boyfriend i told him that
&&nd i thought he understood
but errtime im with my "friends" [the only 2 i hang witt since i dropped the other ones so he wudnt get jealous] he juss "goes off"
&&nd i dont understand sometimes
i mean he always thinks that im tryin to play him
&&nd thats not me, id neva do dat to anybody
I juss get so furious because he's always accusing me of stuff that neva happened
I mean okay i kno i kan come off as a flirt;; buht i dnt do it like dat;; at least i dnt mean to

&&nd thing the thing that gets me is
he acts like im the badd person
like im juss always up to no good
buht he doesnt see what i go through
being accused of things i neva did...

maybe itsz juss me;; buht...

i talked to my "big homie!" [lol]
&& i do sorta see where he's comming from
but i mean im not a lier.. i wudnt lie to him or nun...
so i juss dnt seem why he always thinks that

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